Dear Me, I love you too.
I was leaving my training sessions this morning and I stopped to catch up on messages… Everyday I have the privilege to meet and train truly incredible women and men who are starting out or picking back up on their health adventures. Today, I was stopped in my tracks by a remarkable young woman’s comment […]
Choice Leads to Chance and Then Change
It’s Transformation Tuesday. If you had told me after having my 7th child that I would not only be embarking on having MY SEVENTH CHILD and the insanities that come with that life event but that I would also be fighting high blood pressure, dealing with Post-Partum Depression again, experiencing the PTSD from the years […]
God Told Me To Move
God told me to move. I thought HE meant exercise. Exercise. I absolutely hated that word. It was pure-nasty coming across my lips and the exact moment my ears heard the utterance of it, I shuttered. All 276 pounds of me simultaneously screamed a silent groan. The justification party of 1 fell to the floor, […]